Auto Black Chere fem

Rated 4.50 out of 5 based on 2 customer ratings
(2 customer reviews)


Auto Black Chere – it is a medium height plant with large buds. It has a nice fresh smell and a colling delicate taste. The effect is mixed, Sativa and Indica. This is a multi-purpose grade in matter of cultivation.

Auto Black Chere fem – 3

5 in stock

Auto Black Chere fem – 5

5 in stock

Auto Black Chere fem – 10

5 in stock

SKU: N/A Category:

Auto Black Chere is a sort with a rich set of benefits. Externally, it is a beautiful, lush middle high plant with large purple flowers, which undoubtedly will stand out from other plants. At the flowering stage it has the smell that reminds of the aroma of cut grass with a floral and sweetish flavour. Sort Auto Black Chere has proven herself both indoors and outdoors, so it can be called universal. The taste is pleasant, not too heavy and leaves a smooth aftertaste with a slight chill. The effect is strong, due to the mixed Sativa and Indica genes, it gives you nice relaxation, good humour and a pleasant chat with friends. Auto Black Chere is a great choice for people associated with the Arts.

Additional information




Indica x Sativa


70 days

Plant height

70 – 100 cm


20 – 30 gr


Auto Blueberry x Auto Sweet Tooth

Seeds in package

10, 3, 5

2 reviews for Auto Black Chere fem

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Веталий Островский

    Пробовал первый раз и все в точь как в описании, наверно не зря заказал еще. Жалко что живу не в том регионе, где можно было-бы выращивать круглый год)

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    Хочется от души поблагодарить Карпаты! Заказывал довольно таки большую партию. 100 семян. Проросло 98 штук. Считаю что это однозначно достойно уважения. Теперь у меня есть магазин любимчик!

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